How to read a book /

Alexander, Kwame

How to read a book / by Kwame Alexander ; art by Melissa Sweet. - [30 pages] : color illustrations ; 26 cm.

"First, find a tree - a black tupelo or dawn redwood will do - and plant yourself. (It's okay if you prefer a stoop, like Langston Hughes.) With these words, an adventure begins - an adventure into the world of reading. Kwame Alexander's evocative poetry and Melissa Sweet's lush artwork come together to take you on a sensory journey between the pages of a book. Now, sleep. Dream. Hope. (You never reach the end)" Provided by the publisher from the dusk jacket

Children Purchased - Sketch Books

9780062307811 (hbk.)

Books and reading--Juvenile poetry.
Books and reading--Juvenile fiction.
Picture books for children.

A376 2019