Parang kayo, pero hindi /

Capili, Noreen. Capili, Noreen

Parang kayo, pero hindi / Noreen Capili, a graduate of BA Creative Writing in UP Diliman. - 99 pages ; 21 cm

The book is a collection of true to life humorous stories written by a TV writer Noreen Capili. "Parang kayo, pero hindi" stage. Others call it MU or mutual understanding. Pseudo relationships. Pseudo boyfriends. Flings. Almost like a relationship, but not quite. It is a phase where the persons involved are more than friends, but not quite lovers." --[The Author]


Text in Filipino
Text in English

"Winner of the 2014 Filipino Reader's Choice Awards for Humor" --Cover


Humorous stories, Filipino.
Filipino wit and humor.

PN6222 / .C243 2013

899.2117 / .C243 2013