1,001 grammar practice questions for dummies /

Wood, Geraldine,

1,001 grammar practice questions for dummies / One thousand one practice questions grammar for dummies Grammar for dummies One thousand one grammar practice questions for dummies by Geraldine Woods. - x, 296 pages, 25 cm - For dummies .

Includes index. "A Wiley brand"

"Establishing good grammar habits will set you up for success. From English class to writing your college essay, from cooperate communications, to updating your social media sites, good grammar is essential and now you have 1,001 ways to deepen your understanding and practice your skills." --Provided by publisher.

Text in English.

9781118745014 9781118744758 (ebk) 9781118744741 (ebk)

English language--Grammar.
English language--Grammar--Problems, exercises, etc.

425 / .W894